Friday, September 25, 2009
From Zero To Hero
So I've been playing this new game for 3+ weeks or so now called Heroes of Newerth. It's basically like DoTA (Defense of the Ancients) except it has way more super duper cool graphics, think about Warcraft 3 : Frozen Throne graphics and then compare it to StarCraft 2 graphics, (if you've seen demos, previews, reviews, game mags and/or all the other geeky stuff that I am into) it's frigging awesome right? Think about Flintstones (DoTA) and then StarTrek (HoN), just like the Black Eyed Peas says: "HoN is so 3008, DoTA is so 2000 and late".
Yeah I know I'm so creative that I cannot help myself to create such imaginative and descriptive replacement for the actual lyrics or words for the BOOM BOOM POW song. Hence, which I realize after a few seconds of that song playing in my own little head, creating very silent sounds that only I can hear, which leads me to my conclusion or something rather my limelight that I created to lift my ego up, not to be boastful or prideful but to display how skilled I am in this game and my finese in owning nooblets just like you and your mum and to totally just to display what Boom Boom Pow really is. Without further a do I bring to you.... not in words or sounds but something rather feasing for your very own set of 2 eyes or four eyes if your wearing spectacles (get it? i know right, its funny).... (drum roll).... ta da!

Yeah I know I'm so creative that I cannot help myself to create such imaginative and descriptive replacement for the actual lyrics or words for the BOOM BOOM POW song. Hence, which I realize after a few seconds of that song playing in my own little head, creating very silent sounds that only I can hear, which leads me to my conclusion or something rather my limelight that I created to lift my ego up, not to be boastful or prideful but to display how skilled I am in this game and my finese in owning nooblets just like you and your mum and to totally just to display what Boom Boom Pow really is. Without further a do I bring to you.... not in words or sounds but something rather feasing for your very own set of 2 eyes or four eyes if your wearing spectacles (get it? i know right, its funny).... (drum roll).... ta da!

Thursday, September 24, 2009
It does not happen overnight. It is not like the SunSilk advertisement where: you get some uber shiny hair which is shinier than my recently polished black shoes, which was probably polished by goblins or gremlins during your sleep that when if someone stared at your hair they will see their own reflection unless they're a vampire (vampires have no reflections when they look in the mirror because they're dead, duh) when you use this type of shampoo and/or conditioner.
It takes time, a long time, infact a very long time unless your pro like me then trust me, it will come easy, easier than stealing a lolly from a kid, hence, it's like stealing candy from Mr.Burns (Simpsons). If you've seen some documentaries about people who are legendary at what they do they will tell you that it took them forever - of course not literally. MJ - pick one - Michael Jordan or Michael Jackson. It don't matter who, it dont matter when, it dont matter what, it dont matter why, they will both own you in what they did best, basketball and molesting kids (kidding only) respectively. MJ IS THE KING OF POP - HE'S AWESOMELY AWESOME.
That is what I like the most about this quote it does not happen in one BigBang Theory (damn that show :)). Think about it: Legen - wait for it - dary! Get it? Get it?
It takes time, a long time, infact a very long time unless your pro like me then trust me, it will come easy, easier than stealing a lolly from a kid, hence, it's like stealing candy from Mr.Burns (Simpsons). If you've seen some documentaries about people who are legendary at what they do they will tell you that it took them forever - of course not literally. MJ - pick one - Michael Jordan or Michael Jackson. It don't matter who, it dont matter when, it dont matter what, it dont matter why, they will both own you in what they did best, basketball and molesting kids (kidding only) respectively. MJ IS THE KING OF POP - HE'S AWESOMELY AWESOME.
That is what I like the most about this quote it does not happen in one BigBang Theory (damn that show :)). Think about it: Legen - wait for it - dary! Get it? Get it?

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Ten Things

1. Rubik's Cube
It still amazes me how fast people can solve this cube, I have seen people solve it in less than a minute. A YouTube video that I saw solved it in less than 10secs. How the hell in the world? It must be hack, it's gotta be hacks. Rubik's and I will be together until I solve it in less than a minute.
2. Wallet
Having no wallet, means not having any money. If you don't have any money you cannot buy anything. To survive in this world we must eat and drink. If I don't have any money I cannot eat and drink. Without eating and drinking results into the early stages of starvation called "hunger". Hunger then leads to starvation and when starvation is at it's prime, well, it leads to death. If I die without my wallet, I do not have any type of identification which means I die and no one would know who I am. Very, very sad way to die :).
3. iPhone
Music, Internet, SMS, games and your Mum's phone number. Nuff said.
4. Keys
Can't turn anything on without keys, get it? HaHeHiHoHu.
5. Spectacles
What's the worst thing than getting cancer? Not being able to see when your able to see. That's why I have my specs. It makes my eyes feel brand new kinda like I removed my eyes from my eye socket then I wash it water and it's all fresh and clean. Now I can see very far even during at night, it acts like a Night Vision goggles except you don't see things in green.
6. Deodorant
Why have a normal roll on when you can have a "chocolate flavoured roll-on". Yup, I was thinking the samething. I am so smart. S-M-R-T.
7. Cookies & Cream Milky Bar
If not, the best King Size Bar in the world. I still do not understand or comprehend why they stopped making selling them in Coles, Woolies and wherever. Good thing I know this store who has it, and no even if you paid me $1,000,000 I wouldnt tell you the location, its my shop, all mine, all my Milky Bar. Plus, incase I forget to bring my wallet - yummy Milky Bar before I die.
The best handheld console ever made because its hackable and it's got awesome games - for free. Dissidia fools - who wants to face my Cloud Strife? I thought not, go QQ you noobcakes.
9. DeathNote
Why would you need a gun, when you have a DeathNote? GGKTHXBBQBYE
10. Feathered Pen
DeathNote is rendered useless if you cannot write someones name on it. Also, good for doing crosswords, sudoku, ken-ken and to write your Mum's number when I hit on her :).
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