Perhaps, its the lack of vision, understanding and knowledge that I fail to see art as "ART". What is so artsy about this? Its... hey! A black & white canvas!
Art must be appealing in one's eyes (in my opinion), having no artistic skill at all in terms of drawing or painting unless you call owning noobs a form of art then yes, I'm very artistic and you can call me Van Gogh, Vincent Van Gogh. I like Van Gogh because apparently from what my artistic friends told me is that he cut off his ear because he needed some inspiration and that's what made him great but I guess I'm highly exaggerating to make the story more dramatic and interesting. Truly, I think he was just one insane, psychotic, crazy artistic person (my opinion, yet again). So here's some of the photos which I call "ART". They are very pretty and very appealing, enthralling, captivating, eye-catching and you get my drift. Here are some examples:-
Although I failed to see what seems to be so interesting in that black & white canvas. A friend told me once that you have to know the meaning behind the art, some people paint blind folded, other they tie themselves on a rope and swings while painting and other crazy ideas. Which reminds me of my idea for my master piece. I'll jump off the highest skyscraper and while falling I'd quickly paint my masterpiece of art and call it "Into Oblivion". Too bad, that will never happen though, I'd rather live than die famous.
i love life, nubcakes
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